I work part time as a receptionist at the council’s main offices in Yate. I’m the happy, smiling face of the council, greeting visitors and directing them to their meetings and helping local people access the support and services they need.
New challenges
It’s a great job for me personally as it fits in extremely well with my lifestyle. Things are a little different at the moment, in terms of what I’m doing, with the social distancing restrictions, but I’m really looking forward to the day when I can get back to my usual job helping people out.
Making a difference
I like to think that I am a naturally positive person and I try to make a real difference through my role, helping visitors and colleagues as best I can. Being the focal point for the council I do get asked some weird and wonderful questions, but I love that – no two days are the same!
Above all, it’s very satisfying to be a part of the team effort to ensure South Gloucestershire remains a thriving community we can be proud of.
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